April 17th, 2023 Update:
Been a while, and this semester has been incredibly taxing and emotionally tiresome. I just moved from Saint George, UT to Santa Clara, UT, which is basically just moving across town but is still pretty tiring.
I have some goals for the next few months, the big one is to create more content, especially since I have the space to do so now. The picture you see to the left is a screenshot of the new look and setup I'm going to have moving forward. This is subject to change but as of now, this is what we got. I will be making videos on a semi-regular basis about photography and videography, we will see how this goes.
My first acceptance to an art show was today as well and I'm really hoping this furthers my goals within the community I live in. Excited for the future as always.
- Joseph C. H. Rigdon

February 22nd, 2023 Update:
Welcome officially to the birth of this website that will hopefully be somewhat prosperous. Honestly hoping that the work I put into this is not all for nothing as it has taken me a few days to get just this rough draft together. I want this to be a lot of things for me, a business, a place to start discussions about projects and ideas, I guess just a place for my head. As strange as that may sound.
This is a journey, and if you are seeing this then you're a part of it. My work is only as good as what inspired it. My peers, my dearest friends, and my mentors are all equally as responsible as I am for the work you see before you. My work is made for you too, made for everyone. Beyond the depth of this introduction, I'd like to think I also just make pretty pictures.
- Joseph C. H. Rigdon